Week 9 Reading A:

 For this weeks readings, I strayed from my original reading plan and decided to read Jamaica Anansi Stories instead. I came across these when I was just browsing through the readings and I really enjoyed them. "The trickster Spider Anansi is a famous folklore figure in West Africa, and slaves abducted from West Africa brought the stories of Anansi with them to the Americas. This book of Jamaica Anansi Stories contains stories collected in Jamaica during the early years of the 20th century by Martha Warren Beckwith, a professor of folklore and well-known ethnographer. Beckwith recorded the stories in dialect as told to her by Jamaican storytellers."

For today's story, I decided to read Tying Tiger because it was the first in the unit and such a fun little story. Because of the way the way the stories are written, they are a little hard to understand. If I were rewriting this as a story I would change the language used a little bit and I would make it easier to understand. 

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