Week 4 Reading A "Bible Women" Eve

 These are my reading notes for the story of Eve

I don't really feel the need to make notes on the plot off this story because it is one that I am extremely familiar with. I think that this is such a common story that I could rewrite the plot with a very different settings/ characters so that I keep the integrity of the story, but still make it something that is a helpful read. I really want to make these stories accessible and relatable to all who read them (specifically children). So, I want a story that is separate from its religious origins so that it can teach lessons that are relevant to all. 

For this story, I would like to have it take place in an enchanted forest to match my storybook theme. I think that rather than this story being one that shames Eve for giving into temptation, I would like it to be a story about a woman who did what she wanted and learned on her own that her actions have consequences. 

This image called "The Expulsion of Adam and Eve" comes from Thomas Hawk on Flickr


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