Week 4 Reading B "Bible Women" The Witch of Endor

 These are my reading notes for the story of The Witch of Endor

Reading Notes: 

- Happens after Samuel's death 

- Saul is worried about an upcoming battle and decides to consult a witch to ease his mind (even though witchcraft is a big no-no per his rules). 

 - Essentially Saul tries to pull a fast one on the witch and does end up losing the battle

-For this story, I think the witch is seen as the antagonist, but I think that if I rewrote this, I would like to do it in a way that the woman in the story is the protagonist and not viewed as evil. I think that I would like to encourage readers to open their eyes and view things from a different perspective. 

This image titled "witch" comes from Diane Naegel on Flickr


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