Extra Credit Reading (Reading A: Creation)

 I really enjoy reading creation stories from various cultures and religions. I think it is always so interesting to see the similarities between many of the stories because it is such an important part of so many different cultures. This week I read Egypt's version of Creation

This story starts out very similar to that of many stories, meaning, the world was a great expanse of water and then the Great Father (In this case he is called Ra) arose and made the world from nothing. This story differs, however, in that god appeared in a shining egg floating in the water and then created the world around him. First he created the God of wind Shu, and the Goddess of rain Tefnut, who are now referred to as "the twins." "Then came into being Seb, the earth god, and Nut, the goddess of the firmament, who became the parents of Osiris and his consort Isis and also of Set and his consort Nepthys."

Reading this story was incredibly interesting to me because though it is very different to the story of Eden that I had been taught, things came in a similar order. I also really enjoyed reading how similarly this story and the Christian story of creation use extremely similar words to describe God and his actions. 

                                    This image comes from Nick Garrod on Flickr


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